
Friday, December 21, 2012

Envelope Budget

Oh my, this year I spent more than I intended to on incidentals! I found this system of keeping cash in appointed envelopes and using this to budget my money. I thought I'd try it.  Jesse at Simple Dimples inspired the idea, which was possibly initially inpired by the infamous Dave Ramsey.  You can read more about how to use this system on Dave Ramsey's site. I found Jesse's printable template here.

Suppplies needed: Templates, scrapbook paper, and gluestick. For 10 envelopes I used five sheets of 12X12 double sided scrapbook paper. I was able to cut two templates from each 12X12.  I glued the tabs down with gluestick. 

 I used remnants of the scrapbook paper about an inch wide and the length of the envelope to glue one evelope to the next  between each page like this:

Then I took a final scrap, about 1 1/2" wide, and applied this to the bottom, adhering with gluestick to the front to the back.  Along with the templates you'll find circle lables which fit nicely onto the tabs. While there wasn't a circle that read "Books", since I buy way too many books and need to budget for this, I created my own circle with Ariel font, size 20.  There are blank circles so you can change this up to meet your needs.

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